A Ghost Town’s Treasured Past!

UNTAMED” by Kathleen Lawless is a tale of one Paris Sommer…who journeyed to a revived Nevada ghost town called Forked Creek…to investigate
Martha May Brown’s “Cat House” …The cowtown’s brothel….mentioned in her great-great-great-grandmother’s Martha May’s journal…which also spoke of a so-called hidden treasure. The hostess …Valerie…running the “ Cat House” now ..offered rooms and period clothing to paying guests. A local tall drink of water named Mitchell Brand plays cowboy for the tourists by staging a roping demonstration at the livery stable….caught Paris’s eye. And later at the bar…he offered to show her around…needless to say the two hit it off…and things get steamy fast. BUT is he interested in only Paris OR Paris and her journal…OR just the journal alone?!? Read & see!! Much enjoyed and Highly Recommended.